Recent publications in academic journals on education and related-issues:
- Rakow, KE, Priestley, M, Byrom, NC., Foster, JL & Dommett, EJ. (2024). Their wellbeing affects our wellbeing: student perspectives of lecturer wellbeing and its consequences for student wellbeing. High Educ
- Raji, NAS. & Dommett, EJ. (2024). Evaluating a University-Wide Digital Skills Programme: Understanding the Student Journey. Education Sciences, 14(12), 1295.
- Le Cunff, A.-L, Wood, HC, Kis-Herczegh, P. & Dommett, EJ. (2024). Research Priorities in Neuroeducation: Exploring the Views of Early Career Neuroscientists and Educators. Education Sciences, 14(10), 1117.
- Detyna, M. & Dommett, E. (2024) Addressing and resolving issues with hybrid flexible/dual mode teaching and technology in learning spaces: the 2 × n matrix model. Learning Environ Res, 27, 727–744 (2024).
- Abulfaraj, GG, Upsher, R, Zavos, HMS., & Dommett, EJ. (2024). The Impact of Resilience Interventions on University Students’ Mental Health and Well-Being: A Systematic Review. Education Sciences, 14(5), 510.
- Malagodi, F, Dommett, EJ, Findon, JL, & Gardner, B (2024). Physical activity interventions to improve mental health and wellbeing in university students in the UK: A service mapping study. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 26, 100563.
- Wood HC, Prabhakar S, Upsher R, Duncan M, Dommett EJ & Gardner B (2024) Understanding university students’ experiences of sitting while studying at home: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 19(12): e0314768.
- Rakow, K, Upsher, RJ, Foster, JL, Byrom, NC, & Dommett, EJ (2023). Student Perspectives on Their Digital Footprint in Virtual Learning Environments. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 8, p. 1208671). Frontiers.
- Raji, NA, Busson-Crowe, DA, & Dommett, EJ (2023). University-Wide Digital Skills Training: A Case Study Evaluation. Education Sciences, 13(4), 333.
- Rakow, KE, Upsher, RJ, Foster, JL, Byrom, NC, & Dommett, EJ (2023). “It Ain’t What You Use, It’s the Way That You Use It”: How Virtual Learning Environments May Impact Student Mental Wellbeing. Education Sciences, 13(7), 749.
- Detyna, M, Sanchez-Pizani, R, Giampietro, V, Dommett, EJ, & Dyer, K (2023). Hybrid flexible (HyFlex) teaching and learning: climbing the mountain of implementation challenges for synchronous online and face-to-face seminars during a pandemic. Learning environments research, 26(1), 145-159.
- Robson, L, Gardner, B, & Dommett, EJ. (2022). The Post-Pandemic Lecture: Views from Academic Staff across the UK. Education Sciences, 12(2), 123.
- Dinu, LM, Byrom, NC, Mehta, KJ, Everett, S, Foster, JLH & Dommett EJ. (2022) Predicting student mental wellbeing and loneliness and the importance of digital skills. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 1-14.
- Dommett, EJ, Dinu, LM, Van Tilburg, W, Keightley, S & Gardner B (2022) Effects of captions, transcripts and reminders on learning and perceptions of lecture capture. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19(1), 1-19.
- Dinu, LM, Dommett, EJ, Baykoca, A, Mehta, KJ, Everett, S, Foster, JL, & Byrom, NC. (2021). A Case Study Investigating Mental Wellbeing of University Academics during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Education Sciences, 11(11), 702.
- Clack, A, & Dommett, EJ. (2021). Student Learning Approaches: Beyond Assessment Type to Feedback and Student Choice. Education Sciences, 11(9), 468.
- Skipp, CS, & Dommett, EJ. (2021). Understanding and Addressing the Deficiencies in UK Mathematics Education: Taking an International Perspective. Education Sciences, 11(3), 141.
- Nguyen, NT, Rakow, T, Gardner, B, & Dommett, EJ. (2021). Understanding the relationship between safety beliefs and knowledge for cognitive enhancers in UK university students. PloS one, 16(1), e0244865.
- Wilcox, G., Morett, LM., Hawes, Z. & Dommett, EJ (2021) Why Educational Neuroscience Needs Educational and School Psychology to Effectively Translate Neuroscience to Educational Practice, Frontiers in Psychology, 11 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.618449.
- Dommett, EJ., Gardner, B. & van Tilburg, W. & (2020) Staff and students perception of lecture capture. Internet and Higher Education, 46.
- Churches, R., Dommett, EJ., Devonshire, IM., Hall, R., Higgins, S. & Korin, A. (2020). Translating Laboratory Evidence into Classroom Practice with Teacher‐Led Randomized Controlled Trials—A Perspective and Meta‐Analysis. Mind, Brain, and Education, 14(3), p292-302.
- Adamopoulos, P., Ho, H., Sykes, G., Szekely, P., & Dommett, EJ. (2020). Learning Approaches and Attitudes Toward Cognitive Enhancers in UK University Students. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1-7.
- Champagne, J., Gardner, B., & Dommett, EJ. (2019). Modelling predictors of UK undergraduates’ attitudes towards smart drugs. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 14, 33-39.
- Dommett, EJ., Gardner, B. & van Tilburg, W. & (2019). A case study: Views on the practice of opting in and out of lecture capture. Education and Information Technologies, 24, p.3075-3090
- Dommett, EJ., van Tilburg, W. & Gardner, B. (2019). Staff and student views of lecture capture: a qualitative study. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16,
- Dommett, EJ. (2019) Understanding use of online tools embedded within the virtual learning environment, International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments 9(1), 39-55.
- Dommett, EJ. (2018) Understanding student use of twitter and online forums in higher education. Education and Information Technologies, 24(1), 325-343
- Dommett, EJ. (2018) Using a flipped classroom to embed information literacy skills training into academic studies. Journal of Information Literacy, 12(1), 97–108.
- Dommett, EJ. (2018). Learner ownership of technology-enhanced learning. Interactive Technology and Smart Education.
- Dommett, EJ. (2018) Student-Staff Co-Construction of Examination Questions. International Edition of the Psychological Literacy Compendium.